Take Control of Your Happiness


“I’d like to get to a place where I like Mondays.”

It is time for us to prioritize our lives and put happiness at the forefront.  I know it is easy to say, but hard to do, it took me years of being miserable to finally get the courage to just stop.  It’s so easy to just fall into the routine of going through life, putting up with the crap and, before you know it, life is over.

One thing I did that helped was to make a list.  I really did this.  I made a list of things that make me happy.  It can be anything from grand ideas to the most mundane things, just make a list of things that make you happy.  For example, my list had things like enjoy my coffee in the morning, to be out in nature, read, listen to music, spend time with friends and family, learn to make stuff and write to just name a few.

Next I made a list of things that I do every day.  That list included things like look at work emails, set an alarm clock, have coffee, workout, go to work, cram lunch in after the workout so I can get back to my desk on time, etc.

The list got to be pretty big on both sides.  I didn’t finish it in a day either.  That list was curated over a month.  I began adding things as I noticed that I did them every day or when I noticed that it brought me some joy.

Next comes the hard part.  You need to compare these two lists and adjust accordingly so the bulk of what you are doing every day comprises the bulk of your first list of things that make you happy.  It takes some doing I won’t lie about that, but once you get that list properly adjusted it will make all the difference.

I’m not saying everyone needs to quit their job (although the power that would give us would be huge); just that you need to focus on what makes you happy because that is the most important aspect of life.  That is what we need to realize, the only one looking out for your individual happiness is you. So if you don’t do something about happiness it won’t just find you by accident

We have a short time on this Earth and there are so many great things to do. Don’t waste time being unhappy, unfulfilled or getting by.  I did that for a long time and it sucks.  Make a list and get busy being happy.

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