The Currency of Time



“You get 24 hours every day, those are yours. There is enough time.”

There is enough time
Sunrise over the power lines in Amarillo, Texas. Taken in the parking lot of a Chick Fil-A.


Value Your Time

It’s not about making the time, it is about taking the time.  The time is yours; you don’t have to make it.  All too often we choose to give it away. Sometimes we give it away for free and sometimes we trade it for money.  There is enough time, though.

You don’t ever have to make time, in fact you can’t.  You get 24 hours every day, those are yours.  Everything you do with those 24 hours, whether you believe it or not, are decisions you have made. It is just an excuse, a cop out, to say I don’t have the time.  You do have the time, there is enough time, you just choose to use it differently.

It was not long ago that I was the same.  I had to go to work, I had to answer emails during dinner, I had to get in early, I had to stay late, I had to “put in some time” on the weekends.  I was fast approaching 40 and I was giving all my time away and wasn’t getting anything in return except a little bit of money. The money that my company deemed to be the bare minimum they could give me in order to have me keep giving them my time.  My only resource was that time. All of ours’ only resource is time.  That resource is finite too.  The time that is guaranteed is this moment right now.  So stop putting things off, stop saying you will try and make time, just stop. There is enough time, take it.

There is enough time! What Now?

Sleep in if you want to.

Wake up early if you want to.

Enjoy nature.

Relax, tune it all out for even five minutes once a day and focus on you. Feel all the parts of your body, feel the life running through you.


Or walk.

Or ride a bike.

Look at the sky.

Feel the sun on your face, really feel it and absorb the heat.

Start that project you would do if only you had the time.

Turn off the TV.

Read a book.

Go for a drive to nowhere.

Sit in the shower with the lights off, plug your ears and feel the water hit your head.  Listen to it, feel it.

Just be alive.

The only currency that means anything in this life is time and no matter your lot in life you get to choose how you spend that currency.

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